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ASEAN and South Asia Legal Institution Program Info Session Ended Successfully

ASEAN and South Asia Research Center of National Chung Cheng University held ASEAN and South Asia Legal Institution Program Info Session on 21 May, 2020.

We not only introduced the course planning of the program, but also introduced the current situation and the future development of ASEAN/ South Asian Countries, the situation of Taiwanese people working in Southeast Asian countries, and the comparison of the workplace in ASEAN countries. By holding the info session, we hope we can attract students to apply for this program.


After the info session, we created a group in LINE APP. If there is any information about the program in the future, it will be published in the group.


Video: https://youtu.be/2JGhz-jRobA

PPT: http://asarc.ccu.edu.tw/photo.php?PgTYpe=&class=490


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